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Saturday, January 31, 2009

When Traveling, Take Care to Verify Your "Reply to" Address on Forwarded Responses

It's not uncommon for e-mail users to have mnltiple addresses: one at the office, one for personal use, and one for a hobby or special-interest project. Because users often have remote access to their office mail, they can eceive Internet e-mail almost anywhere. It's easy to get in the habit of hitting. Reply to a business e-mail forwarded to you while logged on to your office system from home. The problem is failing to have your remote computer set up with the appropriate business "reply to" e-mail address.

That means your business colleague gets an e-mail from Jerry&T' and doesn't recognize the sender. Worse, the recipient in turn hits his or her Reply button and sends an answer back to your Jerry& address, which you don't access for the next week.

Either change the address manually when replying to specific e-mails, or set up another e-mail log-on with the different "reply to" address.

Use "For Your Information Only" Tags to Help Others Manage Their E-Mail Volume

Some FYI documents with an informative subject line will be selfexplanatory. For example, with an e-zine or e-newsletter, you automatically know no action is required. The same is true with subject lines such as "XYZ ProjectUpdate" or "Monthly SalesReport."

On the other hand, those e-mails addressing current situations or projects may routinely fitin either category-"know something') or "do something:' If you can add an "FYI only" or "immediate action" phrase in your subject lines, that tag willhelp readers prioritize their e-mail reading.

Don't Post "Action or Else" Messages If Action Is Irreversible

For years, businesspeople have used the "If I don't hear from you, I'll assume that X, and I will go ahead and do Y;' They come to that decision when dealing routinely with someone who often stalls on decisions and actions, !fyou can't reverse the action, and ifyou care that the other person may not like the action you're proposing, ask for confirmation of your message. Otherwise, you may mistake that person's silence during a three-week vacation as agreement.

Act on E-Mail Promptly, or Notify Others That You're Unavailable

With the speed of transmission, users assume speedy replies. Whether a good or bad assumption, people appreciate knowing when you will be offline for extended periods.

Some e-mail programs have built-in out-of-the-office features. Others do not.

You have two choices:

I) Use the auto-responder that tells people you're offline. (In preparing your automatic response to incoming e-mail, you can be as specific or vague as you want about if and when you'll respond.

2) Have someone else check your e:mail and respond in your absence.

Although there are exceptions in everyculture, generally, ifyou'll not be responding to your e-mail for more than 48 hours, use the auto-responder to let others know you have not read their incoming messages.

Use Internationally Recognizable Dates, Times, and Measurements When Appropriate

If you're communicating around the globe, use both metric measurements and their English-system eqnivalents (examples: gallons and liters; miles and kilometers).
Also, be clear about whether you're using the inte rnational or United States format for dates and times. Placement ofdigits varies: Is 3/9 meant to be read asMarch 9 or September 31 if you're communicating with your team leader in Rome, prefer 1430 hours for a conference call rather than 2:30 P.M.

Limit Emoticons or Smileys

Emoticons composed of various keyboard characters to create faces of emotion equate to e-mail slang.
:) Smile
: ( Sad, anger, disappointment
; ) Wmking, just joking
:-1) Shock or surprise
;-} Leer
:cQ Smoker
:-@ Scream

For trivial e-mail, emoticons may be appropriate. But when communicating about serious topics to important people, they detract from your authority and distract the reader.
And as a second filter, if you find that you need to underscore the emotion with a smiley, make sure that a smiley will do the trick. A smiley won't disguise an offensive remark as a joke. And there is a bigger danger: After almost a decade of e-mail, emoticons are proliferating, and their meanings are by no means universal.

Limit Your Signature Block

Keep your block short, generally no more than four lines, with possibly an additional two to three lines for alternative methods of contact (your fax or phone number). But don't include another screen full of hype, thinly disguised as a signature block.

Use a Signature Block or Line

The signature line identifies who you are and includes alternative ways to contact you (usually phone and fax numbers). When your return address is the only item identifying the message source, your signature block may be all that people find to identify you.

You may need to use different signature blocks for internal and external correspondence. If you're sending e-mail outside your organization, identify yourself completely, stating your position and the name ofyour organization. For internal use, you may mention ouly your department and sometimes include a descriptive line about the key project you're leading if most of your e-mail relates to your role in that capacity.
And, in fact, the signature block containing a full name maybe the ouly way the recipient can decipher the name. With an e-mail address like (Is it Paul Coneil or P.C.O'Neil?), (Is it T. Ray or someone with the first name Tray?), or, readers may have difficulty recognizin geven a friend's name.
To avoid this difficulty, be sure to enter your full name, as well as your e-mail address. Both should appear in the sender line.
To go one step further, use the "v-card" (virtual card-this contains items such as your full name, title, organization, phone, or fax). Keep looking through your e-mail program options until you find this great little feature. This small file, automatically attached to your outgoing e-mail, can populate a contact record with all your contact information for the benefit ofthe person receiving your message.
In other words, as a customer, ifI e-mail a company about a product, this v-card information would automaticaIly go into the company's customer database in the correct fields so that I'd be on the mailing list for the next catalog. A nice feature for both parties.

If You Don't Have Something to Say, Don't Say It Not All E-Mails Deserve Responses

On the street, when someone you know speaks to you, etiquette dictates you return the greeting. And if you're from some particularly friendly parts of the country, people greet and return greetings-and even engage in small talk over an extended period-from total strangers.
Not so with e-mail. Don't reply to a message unless you have something to add. If you're "tagged;' don't feel as though you're obligated or expected to reply.
Some of the biggest time-wasters are silly responses, such as in the following situation with an e-mail from Bryan to his coworkers:
  • I'm considering switching software for handling our geological maps. I'm investigating Brand XYZ from ABC Company. If you have any experiencewith this software, I'd appreciate an opinion about it. Thanks.

More than 60 responses flooded Bryan's box, and they all basicaIly said "Never heard of it"

If you don't have anything to say,don't say it.

Don't Forward Sensitive Messages or Copyrighted Articles Without Permission

Copyright on e-mail belongs to the writer of the message, not the recipient. If there's any doubt in your mind about forwarding another person's e-mail, don't.

Granted, in our routinebusiness e-maik it's standard practice to forward e-mail to someone else who can or should handle a situation (or know about it). But standard practice is not legal practice.
Ask yourself these filter questions about e-rnails you plan to forward: 1) Will the author be upset that I forwarded the message? 2) Does this information contain a copyright note? It's not necessary for the author to place a copyright note on a document for it to have legal protection. But you can be sure that when there's a formal copyright note, the author is dead serions abont copyright infringement.
If there's a question about forwardingsomeone's e-mail, reconsider before you risk ire and the law.

Use Receipts Sparingly

In urgent matters, when you must be assured that someone has read your e-mail, use of a receipt is appropriate. However, generally,readers interpret a receipt to mean "I got you. Now I have proof that you received this message, so don'tgiveme any excusesfor not responding or doing. WhatI asked." A good rule ofthumb is to use receipts only for emergencies.

Allow Cool-Off Time Before Sending a Flame or Any Emotional Message

Sending a negative message that containsinsensitive, insulting, negative and critical comments is called a flame. Before you flame, cool off. Once you hit the Send button, you're committed.
As a safety valve, leave an emotionally charged message in your outbox or drafts folder for at least an hour or, better, a day. Ask yourself Would I say this face-to-face? Remember, there really is a live person on the receiving end ofyour communication.
Particularly, avoid flaming in public. If you must send a negative message to someone who originated a message, do not postyour flame or send it to an entire distribution list. Even in the old TV westerns, the cowboys always "stepped outside" to have a showdown. Others really do not appreciate being involved in a personal debate or insulting e-mail duel.

Be Wary of Humor or Sarcasm

Humor is extremely difficult to convey in writing because you do not have "the same body language "softeners" (a twinkle in the eye, a smile, a shrug of the shoulders) that provide interpretation clues in face-to-face conversations. That's why comedy writers earn big bucks. Either be sure your humorworks, use the typical sidewayssmileyface as a label, or don't try your wit at all.
Neither is sarcasm any more acceptable in e-mail than in face-to-face communication. Sending off a scathing attack with some disclaimer about how "the humor-impaired should skip this message" does not rule out offense and mitigate the criticism. In short, don't write anything in e-mail that you wouldn't want forwarded to your CEO, your customers, your family, or your friends.

Cut and Paste Rather Than Hit "Reply" on Long, Continuing E-Mails

Don't make recipients read through long lines of their previous e-mail to find your two-sentence reply. Delete all the other background or explanatory information originally sent and leave ouly the pertinent questions, along with your responses. Or cut the pertinent questions and paste them into a new e-mail, accompanied by your responses.
Although this point is not so critical when you're responding ouly to the original writer ofthe e-mail (because he or she can moreeasily distinguish between the original message and your responses), others who may be copied on your reply will have difficulty separating the original comments from the responses.

Highlight Responses in Color to Aid Reading

Rather than simply hitting the Reply key and keyboarding your answers after each specific question or keyboarding all your answers either above or below the original message, use your color pen to highlight your responses (provided, of course, you know your other internal readers' e-mail programs support color). Your answers will stand out dramatically.

Never Double-Space Your Entire Message

Readers need to grasp sentences, paragraphs, and lists as single units; double-spacing on the screen makes that more difficult to do.
Double-spacing between" paragraphs, however, aids readability-for thesamereason justmentioned

Avoid Using Ali Uppercase or All Lowercase

Writers use either ail uppercase or lowercase because they think it's faster to keyboard without hitting the Shift key. They're correct-it is faster for the sender. . . but not for the reader.

Which ofthe following two e-mails do you prefer to read?


do not stop by. fyi i'm leaving for the nea asap via Ia. i'm hoping to connect with john in international coffee shop. so if he calls have sue tell him where off airport route. eta stillnot clear .seminar room tbd. tell him to bring the mdg model with him. may need to demo.

Neitherwould be immediately clear. Uppercase and lowercase letters are reading aids that signal a reader about sentence beginnings (new thoughts), proper nouns, and acronyms. Besidesmaking your e-mail more difficult to read, all uppercase is interpreted as shouting, and all lowercase, as lazy.

Check Multiple E-Mail Accounts Promptly

When you are in a job transition, when you want to separate your social correspondence from that ofyourbusiness, or when you're onthe road, you may make use ofmultiple e-mail boxes. That's understandable and inexpensive.

But ifyou have multiple e-mail accounts for whatever reason, check your mail on ail accounts promptly, You may knowthat one address is your primary mailbox, but others may not. And because the medium is e-mail, senders expect a much faster response than a look-see once a week.


Even though 'technology changes rapidly, the rules ofbusiness and social etiquette do not. It has always been considered rude to interrupt private conversations, to conductprivate conversations in front of other people, to monopolizea conversation, andto pushyourbusinesswares in a social setting. These same rules apply to e-mail, Internet, and intranet settings.
Additionally, etiquette in any situation-e-mail included-involves standard common-sense considerations. Avoid remarks that are vulgar, repetitive, and verbose.

Understand the Dangers of E-Mail Misunderstandings and Major Faux Pas

For all its convenience, e-mail has a few drawbacks. Consider them carefully. First, humor doesn't travel well in typical e-mails-unless authored by skilled comedy writers. In the absence of tone of voice, facial expression, and body language, readers may interpret your flippant or witty remark as literal and stupid.

Second, you risk losing control of what you've written. Yes, others should not forward your sensitive messages without your permission. But they often do. Forwarding other people's e-mail tempts people of even the highest integrity.

Two good questions to ask yourself before putting anything in e-mail: 1) What might happen if this e-mail were forwarded to everyone in the company? 2) What might happen if a client or supplier sued us, and ail our e-mail records were subpoenaed for court? Commit your information and opinions to e-mail accordingly.

Know When to Phone Instead of Writing E-Mail

Prefer to phone when:
  • You need an immediate response. (You can't guarantee when someone will answer e-mail, but ifyou catch him or her answering the phone, you may get an immediate response.)
  • You want to hear someone's voice tone to "read between the lines" about the message, information, personal commitment, and so forth. People are typically less on guard when speaking than when writing.
  • You need to ask questions and negotiate issues, and the answers to the questions determine your immediate direction in the negotiations.
  • You are concerned about the privacy ofyour comments.

Prefer e-mail to the phone when:

  • The information is complex and will warrant repeating (rereading).
  • Awritten copy will be more convenient for later reference.

Nothing makes another person as angry about the wrong choice of media as the following situations: I) when someone leaves a voice mail with detailed information that needs to be transcribed almost in its entirety; or 2) when someone e-mails about a situation that has too many discussion points, reqniring either an ongoing saga or an extended, timeconsuming

Know When to Send an E-Mail, Fax, or Formal

Impact, reference, speed, and distribution are the key criteria. Let's take them one at a time: Impact: It's an image decision: tux or blue jeans. Protocol may demand a formal report or letter. When introducing yourself, your product, or your service to a new organization or to a new individnal within the organization, most people still expect a formal letter, proposal, or other literature to arrive in hard copy,to be read at their leisure.In otherwords, ifyou're writing to the CEO,he or she will generally consider an e-mail a breach of etiquette as a first-time communication from an outsider.

Protocol aside, consider the look. Prefer to prepare a formal report or letter if the content requires editing and formatting capabilities not available on your e-mail software or that of the reader's.
Finally, consider the formality or informality: Because e-mail is commonly used for routine day-to-day business, the recipient doesn't attach asmuchimportance to an e-mailmessage as to a formal report, letter, or proposal.
Reference: Will the recipient need to find your information three years from now? With most sofrware programs, you can easily delete all e-mail older than a preset date with a few keystrokes-or routinely during the archiving process. Although e-mails can be kept indefinitely, most users don't bother to make an exception with their file command on a document-by-document basis.
Speed: Yes, you can send a report across town or cross-country by courier in a few hours. But e-mail takes mere seconds. (Of course, when the e-mail may get read is an altogether different matter.)
Distribution: Yes, you can make 50 copies of a 20-page report and distribute it around the building or fax it cross-country. But that's definitely more expensive and more trouble than hitting a few keys. Second, consider the ease of a recipient forwarding your information to others. That's easier done (with you controlling the quality ofthe "reprint") by email.
Impact, reference, speed, distribution. Consider each in making your decision about which medium to use e-mail for a specific message.


We began the last millennium in unity and ended it in isolation. At the turn of the twentieth century, people gathered in town halls to talk politics, went to the theater to watch silent movies, heard news from the same few radio broad casts, bought gifts and tools at the general store, read
about new trends from the same monthly magazines, and studied all subjects in the same classroom.

At the dawn of the twenty-first century, we talk politics in virtual chat rooms, select our movies for home viewing from any of 500 television stations or the corner video-rental shop, buy our gifts and tools from the paper or online catalog, hear our news on television while in the
bathroom, read about new trends while in Latvia with our laptop connection to the Internet, and study our online courses at home alone at midnight.

In such a world of emotional disconnection, there's a growing sense of discontent. Customers and coworkers long to be treated as special, important individuals. An automated tracking system that responds to our log-on with "Hi, Bob. Welcome back. The last time you visited, you ordered X" does not exactly leave us with a warm, fuzzy feeling. It has been a long time since having our name inserted in the middle ofa directmarketing letter impressed us.

In an age of impersonal "customization," customers and clients want personal communication. They want a live person to send them an individual e-mail with an answer to their specific question or a suggestion for their specific problem. To confirm the phenomenon, you have only to take a look at your mailbox to see how many chain letters, jokes, and inspirational stories and poems get forwarded to you by friends, coworkers, and customers.

These are attempts to say" Let's connect. Let'sshare a laugh or a tear. Is any, bodyoutthere? Do youremember me?'

The e-mail, letter, or proposal writers who can make a positive emotional connection with their writing will win coworkers' and customers' attention, business, goodwill, and loyalty.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Waiver for the x-months advance payment on Parcel Number A-X-Y (Sample Letter)

[Mortgager’s name]
[Property’s postal address]
[Property’s Details]

[Developer’s Name]
[Developer’s Correspondence Address]

Date of this letter:

To Whom It May Concern,

Reference: Waiver for the x-months advance payment on Parcel Number A-X-Y

As per the subject, kindly be informed that I am currently re-financing my home loan from [current mortgager bank] to [next mortgagor bank] and in the process, learned that the Management Office would like to impose an advance payments of x-months (equivalent to RM $$$.00) onto me, much to my dismay.

I would insist that only the outstanding of RM $$$.00 to be made in order to facilitate the re-financing exercise lest the loan disbursement will be delayed with much negative impacts on me that I hope your office could empathize.

Hence, I would greatly appreciate be given a temporary waiver on that and hereby giving you my written assurance herein that the full advance payment of RM $$$.00 will be promptly made to your management office following the loan disbursement as I was granted an additional amount in the form of “Cash Out” that I could use towards this.

We sincerely appreciate your highest degree of attention and immediate action therein.

Yours truthfully,


[Mortgager’s name]
[Property’s postal address]
[Property’s Details]
[Contact Numbers]

Updates on Acceptance of Offer Letter to Refinance from Company Loan - Offer Letter No. xx-xxxx-xxxx, dated mm/dd/yy (Sample Letter)

[Policyholder’s full name]
[Policyholder’s correspondence address]
[Policyholder’s correspondence address]
[Policyholder’s correspondence address]

Date of this letter:

Attention: The Human Resource Department / Manager
Company Name

To Whom It May Concern

Subject: Updates on Acceptance of Offer Letter to Refinance from Company Loan - Offer Letter No. xx-xxxx-xxxx, dated mm/dd/yy

Kindly be informed that one [borrower(s)’ name(s), Home Loan Reference No.] have recently accepted the Offer to take up a refinance from AIA Co. Ltd. to refinance their existing staff’s company loan to AIA.

This shall be your good and sufficient knowledge for subsequent actions deemed required.

Thank-you for your attention.

Your sincerely,


[Policyholder’s full name]
[Policyholder’s contacts]

Request to defer loan disbursement (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern:
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

Reference: Request to defer loan disbursement

Kindly be informed that we [ Name & NRIC ] have made an application for housing loan to your company very recently on [ this date ] and after much consideration [ as well as a change in circumstances ], we would like to request for a deferment to our scheduled loan release to [ this date ]

Your generous assistance and highest degree of attention to our appeal is much appreciated indeed and we hereby look forward to receiving your earliest feedback.

Yours truthfully,


Request for waiver of 1st-year progressive MRTA (Sampel Letter)

[Mortgager’s name]
Mortgage Loan Reference No. xx-xxxx-xxxx

Attention to: The Head of Department
Cc: Loan Disbursement Team
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

To Whom It May Concern,

Reference: Request for waiver of 1st-year progressive MRTA

With reference to the x-years home loan that we [loan applicant(s), NRIC Numbers] have applied for, we are insistence to pay only for a x-years MRTA as clearly stated on the Offer Letter though there will be a additional 2-years under-construction to be taken into consideration of the entire period to be covered by the MRTA, namely x+2 years.

We are very much of the opinion that if your company is to insist for a x+2 years MRTA, then this point should be CLEARLY & EXPLICITLY written or be printed on the Offer Letter, as conventionally practiced by many a mortgagor bank nowadays instead of an IMPLIED & SHOULD-BE-UNDERSTOOD kind of unwritten understanding. To consumers like us, this is not re-assuring at all.

Despite a thorough explanation by your colleagues, we could only agree to pay the additional difference of only 1-year instead of the requested 2-years. This was done after having clarified with the developer, [the said Property Developer], that the construction was way into its 2nd year now.

We are strongly of the same opinion that all these to be EXPLICITLY made known to consumer; it should, it shall & it must be.

In view of the fact that this is actually withholding the disbursement of the loan to the property developer under the progressive billings, we regret that this has to happen in the first place and would like to advise your company to pro-actively review your current practice of an IMPLIED & SHOULD-BE-UNDERSTOOD kind of unwritten understanding such as this experience of ours with your company.

I would hereby look forward to receiving your prompt yet positive feedback at your earliest.

Thank you,

Yours truthfully,


[Mortgager’s name]
Offer Letter No. xx-xxxx-xxxx, dated mm/dd/yy by [name of loan underwriter]

Request for waiver of valuation - Offer Letter No. xx-xxxx-xxxx, dated mm/dd/yy (Sample Letter)

[Mortgager’s name]
Mortgage Loan Reference No. xx-xxxx-xxxx

Attention to: The Head of Department
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

To Whom It May Concern,

Reference: Request for waiver of valuation
- Offer Letter No. xx-xxxx-xxxx, dated mm/dd/yy

Kindly be informed that I/we, [Mortgager’s name, NRIC Number] have just submitted my/our home loan application for the purchase of one (1) landed property at [location, if to be disclosed] with your company dated [date].

As the purchase was made immediately following the Vacant Possession (VP) by the Vendor (previous owner), it simply does not make good sense to re-do the valuation.

Hence, I am writing herein to request for a waiver on the valuation that is required for sub-sale loan application in my case.

Your highest degree of attention to my appeal herein is much appreciated indeed. I would hereby look forward to receiving your positive feedback at your earliest.

I would hereby look forward to receiving your prompt yet positive feedback at your earliest.

Yours truthfully,


[Mortgager’s name]
Offer Letter No. xx-xxxx-xxxx, dated mm/dd/yy by [name of loan underwriter]

Request for waiver of penalty on late disbursement (Sampel Letter)

Purchaser’s name:
Loan Applicant:
Sale & Purchase Reference Number
/ Booking Receipt Number:

To Whom It May Concern
The Credit Control Department
The Property Developer Company
[Postal Address]

Cc: The end-financier
Cc: Panel Solicitors, both the S & P solicitor and the Loan Solicitor

Date of this letter:

Reference: Request for waiver of penalty on late disbursement

Kindly be informed that I / we, [ purchaser’s name, NRIC Numbers ] have recently purchased a particular unit of residential / shop lot / commercial property named [ the project name ] at [ location ] with your company dated this day [ purchase date ].

As with many other purchasers with various predicaments, 1,001 things may & did actually go wrong when least expected in the process of getting a loan released, draw down or disbursed on-time within the stipulated timeframe of usually 2 ~ 3-months.

As prudence and care have been duly exercised on my / our part, I / we surely do not expect unreasonable delay be it due to the lack of back-end co-ordination or due to the lack of competencies on the part of the facilitators, et cetera. Various reasons or rather excuses have been given me / us on the cause of delay by various parties which clearly display a lack of competencies, co-ordinations and professionalism.

As consumers, these in-between processes are rather ‘technical & complex’, beyond the grasp of many. I / We therefore put our faith and confidence in professionals / consultants to actually deliver their obligations and as such, we sincerely appreciate the developer’s due considerations & understandings on the events that has developed and led to the `late penalty’ being imposed unto me / us.
I am / We are grateful to have [ the following consultants ] to assist me / us beyond his / her call of duty to come up with all sorts of technical details and chronology which I / we have listed / assembled herein for your consideration.

The various dates as it progresses & its’ associated events

March 7th 2007 10% down payment made to the property developer
March 22nd 2007 Loan Application Date
April 7th 2007 Signing the loan Offer Letter ( Letter of Intent )
# April 30th 2007 Signing the S&P
* March 21st 2007 The S & P was backdated to this date. Why? Hmm ..
June 12th 2007 Signing the Loan Agreement at solicitor’s office
June 27th 2007 Date of Consent obtained from developer
July 6th 2007 Received original title from developer
July 4th 2007 Date of MOT, Memorandum of Transfer
July 10th 2007 Date of Presentation to the Land Office ( presenting Caveat )
July 12th 2007 Date of Loan Solicitor’s advice to the end-financier to release, draw down or disburse the loan
July 20th 007 Loan disbursed, drawn down or released.

Key observations made
1. The Loan Agreement was signed off within a month from date of loan application.
2. Why was the S & P backdated? No reasons or explanation yet to be given me / us.
3. If 3-months was given between the date of S & P and the date of the Loan Drawn Down, assuming that the S & P was not being backdated, then the Loan Draw Down as of the chronology above was well within the stipulated time frame of 3-months
4. All-in-all, we used the very same solicitor for both the S & P as well as the Loan Agreement to circumvent such delays from happening as being advised, yet we are made to pay for the ‘late penalty’ due to various faults that are not ours.

Hence, I / we would like to request for a complete, full waiver of any ‘late penalty’ imposed unto me / us as we strongly felt unjustified.

Your highest degree of attention to my / our appeal herein is much appreciated indeed.
I / we would hereby look forward to receiving your positive feedback at your earliest.

Yours truthfully,


[ the undersigned ]

Request for Return of Documents (Sampel Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern:
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

Reference: Request for Return of Documents

Kindly be informed that we [ Name & NRIC ] have made an application for housing loan to your company very recently on [ this date ] and after much consideration [ as well as a change in circumstances ], we would like to withdraw our application.

As we have overlooked the matter on the documents submitted that we have not made any copies of it, we intend to retrieve them for our safe-keeping.

We do fully understand that we have indemnify all parties earlier pertaining to the collection, possession and processing of these documents for the purpose of loan application and that our request is at your discretion.

Your generous assistance and highest degree of attention to our appeal is much appreciated indeed and we hereby look forward to receiving your earliest feedback.

Yours truthfully,


Request for re-instatement using AIA refund cheques (Sample Letter)

[Policyholder’s name]
Policy No. W55, U55, S55, etc.

Attention to: The Policy Owner Services Department, POS
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

To Whom It May Concern,

Reference: Request for re-instatement using AIA refund cheques

Kindly be informed that I/we, [applicant/s’ name/s, NRIC Number] have applied for a policy as collateral for my mortgage loan with AIA Mortgage Loan Division, MLD recently.

However, due to inconsistencies in the auto-debit, my policy was deemed lapsed.

As the results, all my subsequent payments were returned to me again in the form of refund cheques with details as below:

Date: Cheque Amount Cheque Number




I was made to understand that I am to sign up the Health Certificate which I has duly done and submitted, together with the request to return & re-use these refund cheques for the cost of re-instatement.

My/our apology for the inconveniences caused and thank-you for your highest degree of attention herein appreciated.

Yours truthfully,

[Policyholder’s name]
Policy No. W55, U55, S55, etc.

Request for Immediate Loan Release (Sample Letter)

[Mortgager’s name]
Mortgage Loan Reference No. xx-xxxx-xxxx

Attention to: The Head of Department
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

To Whom It May Concern,

Reference: Request for Immediate Loan Release

Kindly be informed that I/we, [applicant/s’ name/s,NRIC Number] have made our loan application to your company. It was promptly approved and we have since signed the Offer Letter thereafter.

However, we came to realize now that the loan could not be disbursed due to reasons listed herein below:


We hope to have your generous consideration and highest degree of attention to our request herein and I/we would hereby look forward to receiving your prompt yet positive feedback at your earliest.

Yours truthfully,


[Mortgager’s name]
Mortgage Loan Reference No. 2002/xxxx

Request for duplicate copy of policy / policies (Sample Letter)

Attention : The Policy Underwriting Department
Cc : Mortgage Loan Division / Credit Department

Date of this letter :

Reference : Request for duplicate copy of policy / policies
The Insured :
Policy Number(s) :

Kindly be informed that I, [named above] have very recently taken up the Mortgage-Life insurance policy / policies as collateral for a mortgage loan that I have taken up with your company or possibly any other end-financier.

As the life insurance policies are to be assigned to & kept by the end-financier providing me the loan, I would appreciate to have a duplicate copy of it and I am willing to pay for the administration fee ( depending on the types of policies ) charged towards that duplicate/s.

We would also appreciate that this request for duplicate policy / policies be immediately processed, concurrently with the issuance of the original policy / policies in order for us to have it at about the same time that our original copy / copies are issued & assigned to the end-financier as collateral for the mortgage loan. Your understanding & generous assistance herein is much appreciated.

Yours faithfully, Verified & witnessed by

__________________________ _____________________________

Signed by applicant / Signed by the representative / adviser /
co-applicant / guarantor the agent / the staff / the facilitator

Name : Name :
NRIC : Contact(s) :

Request for Conversion of Credit-Card Outsrtanding Debts to Personal Loan (Sample Letter)


To Whom It May Concern
The Credit Department, The Bank
Cc: Bank Negara Malaysia

Date of this letter: Monday, January 26, 2009

Reference: Request for Conversion of Credit-Card Outsrtanding Debts to Personal Loan

Kindly be informed that with the ever-increasing debts that I am having with your bank pertaining to the credit-cards usage. I am worried and I am quite certain also that I may not be able to pay as quickly as the rate that you are charging me.

Hence, I strongly insist that all these outstanding debts be immediately converted into personal loans with a fixed interest rate that is way much lower than the current 18% that you are charging me on the credit-card debts.

Your emphatic understandings and the highest degree of attention to my request herein is much appreciated indeed and I would hereby look forward to receiving your earliest feedback.

Yours truthfully,


The applicant

Request for revision to our Offer Letter (Sample Letter)

[Mortgager’s name]
Mortgage Loan Reference No.

The Mortgage Loan Department
Cc: The Insurer

Date of this letter:

To Whom It May Concern,

Reference: Request for revision to our Offer Letter

Kindly be informed that I, [Mortgager’s name, IC Numbers] have been informed by [name of loan underwriter] that our loan application has been approved and the Offer Letter issued.

We intend to offset that loan amount by RM 70,000 with withdrawal from my EPF Account II soon and would like to request for the following revision to my Offer Letter:

To revise the loan tenure to 13-years, or with monthly installment of RM 3,000 whichever that we are eligible for.

To reduce my applied loan amount to RM 320,000 instead of the RM 394,200 applied for earlier on.

Your kind assistance and highest degree of attention to our request for revision herein is much appreciated indeed.

We will proceed to sign off this issued Offer Letter and would hereby look forward to receiving your prompt supplementary Offer Letter soon.

Yours truthfully,

[Mortgager’s name]

Request for Change of Address (Loan account no ) (Sample Letter)

Policy(ies) Number:

The Underwriting & Issue Department,
The Mortgage Loan Division

Date of this letter:

To Whom It May Concern,

Reference: Request for Change of Address (Loan account no. )

Kindly be informed that I, [named above] have taken up the mortgage loan offer with AIA Mortgage Loan Division.

However, I noticed that the correspondence address used is incorrect.

The correct one should be:

Hence, your kind attention pertaining to my request for change of address is appreciated herein.

Yours truthfully,



Request for Change of Address (Loan account no ) (Sample Letter)

Policy(ies) Number:

The Underwriting & Issue Department,
The Mortgage Loan Division

Date of this letter:

To Whom It May Concern,

Reference: Request for Change of Address (Loan account no. )

Kindly be informed that I, [named above] have taken up the mortgage loan offer with AIA Mortgage Loan Division.

However, I noticed that the correspondence address used is incorrect.

The correct one should be:

Hence, your kind attention pertaining to my request for change of address is appreciated herein.

Yours truthfully,



Request for amendment to Offer Letter (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant(s)

To Whom It May Concern:
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
The End-Financier

Date of this letter:

Reference: Request for amendment to Offer Letter

Kindly be informed that I/we, [applicant/s’ name/s,NRIC Number] have made an application for home loan to your company and are grateful that it was processed and approved so promptly.

However, we would like to hereby request for a higher/lower sum in contrast to what was initially applied for.

However, we would like to hereby request for a longer/shorter loan tenure in contrast to what was initially applied for.

Your generous consideration and highest degree of attention to my/our request herein is much appreciated indeed and I/we would hereby look forward to receiving your prompt yet positive feedback at your earliest, not forgetting my/our apology for the inconveniences caused

Yours truthfully,


Loan Applicant:Contact:

Request for amendment to Loan Application (Sampel Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern:
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

Reference: Request for amendment to Loan Application

Kindly be informed that we [ Name & NRIC ] have made an application for housing loan to your company very recently on [ this date ] and after much consideration [ as well as a change in circumstances ], we would like to amend our applied loan tenure to 10-years instead of whatever the applied loan tenure originally.

Our apology for the inconveniences caused to you.

Your generous assistance and highest degree of attention to our request is much appreciated indeed and we hereby look forward to receiving your earliest feedback.

Yours truthfully,


Reinforcement to our home loan application (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern:
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

Reference: Reinforcement to our home loan application

Kindly be informed that we [ Name & NRIC ] have made an application for housing loan to your company very recently on [ this date ] and it is much to our appreciation that you will further consider the new material facts that we are presenting below.

1. We do have an encumbrance-free property with ready-buyers valued at RM $$$.00 to be sold off soon to offset the RM $$$.00 loan that I am applying for.
2. We do have a positive & strong business cash flow & credit track record with no defaults in payment to sustain our intended commitments.
3. We have two (2) car loan installments of RM each per month; one of it is due to be settled in barely 12 months from now and we have no other commitment.
4. Our relatively high contributions to EPF which in turns channel back to the mortgage loan as prepayments. Kindly refer to our EPF statements submitted to you.
5. Our good business track records as well as excellent earning record as furnished to sustain out intended commitments and our earning potential for the next 20 years to come.

Your generous assistance and highest degree of attention to our appeal is much appreciated indeed and we hereby look forward to receiving your earliest feedback.

Yours truthfully,


Notice on Prepayments (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern:
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

Reference: Notice on Prepayments

Kindly be informed that we [ Name & NRIC ] have made an application for housing loan to dated [ this date ] would now like to officially inform the bank of our intention to inject / deposit a further sum of RM10,000/= towards settling my outstanding home mortgage.

You are to use this sum of deposits of RM10,000/= to solely offset the outstanding balance and NOT as a sum of some advance monthly installments or payments towards this home mortgage that I have with the bank.

You may feel free to obtain further clarification from me with regards to the aforementioned and your generous consideration and highest degree of attention to my notice herein is much appreciated indeed and I would hereby look forward to receiving your earliest feedback.

Yours truthfully,



Wavier on Home owner Insurance (Sample Letter)

[Mortgager’s name]
Mortgage Loan Reference No. xx-xxxx-xxxx

Attention to: The Head of Department
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

To Whom It May Concern,

Reference: Wavier on Home owner Insurance

Kindly be informed that I, [the borrower’s name] (NRIC Number [Old IC No.]) would like to officially inform the bank that my building/condo. management has purchased the Group Fire & Burglary Insurance (also called the homeowner insurance) for all the tenants which I have also attached a Certified True Copy herein for your reference.

Therefore, please kindly allow me a waiver from your Company on this homeowner insurance.

Your kind consideration, co-ordination and prompt attention are fully appreciated herein.

Yours faithfully,


[Mortgager’s name]
Mortgage Loan Reference No. xx-xxxx-xxxx

Differing Signatures by the Same Loan Applicants (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern:
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

Reference: Differing Signatures by the Same Loan Applicants

Kindly be informed that we [ Name & NRIC ] have made an application for housing loan to your company very recently on [ this date ] and both our signatures on the Offer Letter and the Loan Agreement are essentially from us, of the same loan applicants despite its differences as both of us used one of our signatures during the signing of Offer Letter and unknowingly used a different signatures for the Loan Agreement instead.

We are writing herein officially to assure the end-financier that there is no malicious intent whatsoever in the entire process and we sincerely apologize for any inconveniences caused. We hope this may be of sufficient assurance & authority for your next course of action to ensure prompt loan release.

You may feel free to obtain further clarification from us.

Your generous assistance and highest degree of attention to our clarification is much appreciated indeed and we hereby look forward to receiving your earliest feedback.

Yours truthfully,


Waiver from purchasing MRTA / MLTA (Sample Letter)

[Mortgager’s name]
Mortgage Loan Reference No. xx-xxxx-xxxx

Attention to: The Head of Department
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

To Whom It May Concern,

Reference:: Waiver from purchasing MRTA / MLTA

Thank you for taking the time to meet us / talk to us with regards to our application for home loan from your [Mortgagor Bank].

We do understand from our personal financial planning consultant that it is a general practice for most banks to suggest and subsequently offer the MRTA (Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance) or MLTA (Mortgage Level Term Assurance) to their borrowers in order to ensure that their liabilities are covered in the event of untimely death of these borrowers.

I must say, that it is indeed very proactive and very thoughtful of these financial institutions to have made such prior arrangements with their respective insurance company alliances on behalf of these borrowers. These efforts are indeed very commendable in view of the importance of the roles of insurance.

However, we have also done our part when we undertook the comprehensive Financial Need Analysis (FNA) with our personal financial planning consultant from AIA Co. Ltd. Through this wonderful and insightful analysis, we came to gain a broader perspective and understanding with regards to the various possible options and alternative solutions available to us.

We also came to learned that the benefits gained from using a Whole Life Insurance policy to cover for our liabilities far, far outweighs those gained from merely using the MRTA (Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance) or even the MLTA (Mortgage Level Term Assurance). We would not have made a well-informed decision if not for the insightful & comprehensive personal Financial Need Analysis (FNA).

Hence, we have herein decided that we are to use our newly purchased Whole Life Insurance policy in place of the MRTA (Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance) or even the MLTA (Mortgage Level Term Assurance) to cover for our liability should we decide to take a mortgage loan from your bank. We do also agree to assign our policies to your bank as collateral security for the mortgage loan that we are considering taking.

We are very anxious to develop a relationship with you and we would like to make it clear upfront that we would want to be given a waiver from purchasing the said MRTA or even the MLTA should we decide to take the mortgage loan from your bank.

We look forward to your favorable response at your earliest convenience.

Thank-you very much for your highest degree of attention.

Your faithfully,


[Mortgager’s name]
Mortgage Loan Account No. xx-xxxx-xxxx

Request for Confirmation on the Issuance of Certificate of Fitness (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern:
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

Reference: Request for Confirmation on the Issuance of Certificate of Fitness

Kindly be informed that we [ Name & NRIC ] writing in with reference to the abovementioned

It is the mortgagor’s company policy that all applications for home loan do requires a PERMANENT CF should the property is not under-construction and we came to understand that the CF is yet to be issued out soon.

Hence, we appreciate your courtesy of an official letter advising us as to when may we expect to receive the CF to be addressed to the mortgagor’s company for the purpose of loan application. The absence of such an official letter on your part would have denied us the opportunity to apply for the said loan and therefore, your generous assistance is greatly appreciated by all parties involved.

Your generous assistance and highest degree of attention to our request is much appreciated indeed and we hereby look forward to receiving your earliest feedback.

Yours truthfully,


Assignment of My Life Insurance Policy as Collateral for my Home Loan (Sample Letter)

Attention : To Whom It May Concern

The End-financier

Date of this letter:

Reference : Assignment of My Life Insurance Policy as Collateral for my Home Loan

The Applicant(s) :
Policy Number(s) :
Loan Account Reference :

Kindly find enclosed herein two (2) copies of Absolute Assignment forms for your action.
The following details are requested of Your Company.

1. The authorized signatory’s / signatories’ signature & company stamp from Your Company within the `Signature of Assignee’ box on the top right of Page 2 of 2.

2. The authorized signatory’s / signatories’ signature from Your Company at the `Witnessed by’ space and also to fill in the `Name’ and `NRIC No.’ (or Company No. in place) space on the top left of Page 2 of 2.

Note: Part 1 / Bahagian 1 is to be ignored / left blank *

You may contact my financial planning consultant, the undersigned on the bottom right of this letter with regards to the absolute assignment arrangement of my life insurance policy / policies as collateral to Your Company.

Your kind consideration, co-ordination and the highest degree of attention are fully appreciated herein.

Yours faithfully, Verified & witnessed by

______________________ ______________________

Signed by applicant / Signed by the representative /
co-applicant / guarantor the agent / the staff / the facilitator

Name : Name :

NRIC : Contact(s) :

Indemnity on all my Loan Documents Submitted (Sample Letter)

The Loan Applicant(s) & Contacts

To Whom It May Concern
The end-financier

Date of this letter:

Reference: Indemnity on all my Loan Documents Submitted

The above matter refers. I hereby declare I am fully aware that all documents submitted herein onwards for the purpose of my loan application/s are deemed belonged to the end-financiers, be it by hand, via facsimile or emails and inclusive but not limited to any other forms. Thus, I hereby indemnify the representative or the agent and the end-financier/s from any claims arising from the collection, possession and processing of these documents.

I do understand that the representative or agent and the end-financier/s are under no obligation to return any of the documents unless otherwise requested in writing by myself, subject still to the end-financier’s discretion.

Lastly, I do also clearly acknowledge that my application/s will not be promptly processed or will even be declined should I failed to submit in full or delayed in submitting all the necessary documents required for processing or not having both joint-applicants’ signatures on the application form unless justified in writing as well as anything beyond what is being reasonable.

My sincere hope that this consent is sufficient for your next course of action.

Yours faithfully, Witnessed by

__________________ _____________ ________________________________
( signed by applicant / co-applicant / guarantor )

Name: Name:
NRIC: Contact:

Follow-Up on Request for a full waiver of penalty on late disbursement (Sample Letter)

Purchaser’s name:
Loan Applicant:
Sale & Purchase Reference Number
/ Booking Receipt Number:

To Whom It May Concern
The Credit Control Department
The Property Developer Company
[Postal Address]

Cc: The end-financier
Cc: Panel Solicitors, both the S & P solicitor and the Loan Solicitor

Date of this letter:

Reference: Follow-Up on Request for a full waiver of penalty on late disbursement

Our previous letter refers.

I / We have written in for a complete, full waiver of ‘late penalty’ on [ the date of first letter ] and here again, we are writing in to follow-up on our request as stated in our previous letter.

After much consideration to my / our earlier request, your company [ the property developer ] has given me / us a certain discount on the ‘late penalty’, reducing it from the full amount of penalty imposed to a lower amount. I / We do sincerely appreciate that your company giving me / us that sort of attention & discount only if that is squarely my / our fault that caused the late loan draw down.

Clearly, I am / we are not happy.

Honestly, I / we cannot help but to seek second opinions from other solicitors and various other parties as well. Many agreed that the Date of S & P should not have been backdated for whatever reason or reasons there are unless the Sales Consultant themselves wanted their commission earlier, which I / we have learned of that they were paid based on the date of the S & P thereof.

Have there been more hidden agendas unknown to me / us?
Please do explain to me / us that this is not the case and I / we have not been victimized with the assumption that we would probably not know how to redress this situation. I / We shall and I / we will get it redressed until and unless a satisfactory justification or justifications are given me / us to my / our satisfaction.

Your highest degree of attention to my / our appeal herein is much appreciated indeed as I / we would also very much like to keep my / our cool and not to escalate this any further than it should be. I / We have been reasonable to everyone that I / we dealt with all these while and I / we continue to believe that people will be dealt with me / us reasonably too in return.

Hence, I / we would like to re-iterate again on a complete, full waiver of any ‘late penalty’ imposed unto me / us as we strongly felt unjustified.

Your highest degree of attention to my / our appeal herein is much appreciated indeed.
I / we would hereby look forward to receiving your positive feedback at your earliest.

Turning up the heat soon,


[ the undersigned ]

Authorization to Release Medical Details/Records for the Purpose of Insurance & Policies Underwriting for [Policy Number/s] (Sample Letter)

[ Policyholder’s full name & contacts ]

Attention: Health Records Management Department

Cc: The Underwriting & Investigation (U & I) Department
American International Assurance Company Limited

Date of this letter:

To Whom It May Concern

Subject: Authorization to Release Medical Details/Records for the Purpose of Insurance & Policies Underwriting for [Policy Number/s]

Kindly be informed that I [policyholder’s name & IC No.] hereby authorized your medical centre to release to one [agent’s name, contacts & agent code] all my medical and health records & information requested by him on behalf of his insurance company to facilitate his rendering of his insurance underwriting process.

My sincere hope that this shall be of good and sufficient authority for your next course of action.

Your co-operation & co-ordination to one [agent’s name, contacts & agent code] on this matter is highly appreciated and please do feel free to contact me at the undersigned should your medical centre requires authentications and verification on this matter.

Yours sincerely,

[ Policyholder’s full name & contact ]

Authorization to Release Insurance & Policies Information (Sample Letter)

[Applicant’s full name]
[Applicant’s correspondence address]

Date of this letter:

Attention: The Customer Service Department / Manager
[ correspondence address ]

To Whom It May Concern

Subject: Authorization to Release Insurance & Policies Information
to Financial Advisor

You are hereby authorized to release to one [ name & NRIC ] all my insurance & policies information requested by him to facilitate his rendering of his financial planning services to my family & myself.

My sincere hope that this shall be of good and sufficient authority for your next course of action.

At the same time, I am requesting that all my policies be assigned to one [ agent name & agent code ] in order for him to render me future services as my existing agent is residing back in my hometown which is too far to be of service.

Yours sincerely,


[Applicant’s full name]
[Applicant’s contacts]

Authorization to assist in my application for home loan (Sample Letter)

[Mortgager’s name]
Mortgage Loan Reference No. xx-xxxx-xxxx

Attention to: The Head of Department
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

To Whom It May Concern,

Reference: Authorization to assist in my application for home loan

Kindly be informed that I/We, the applicant(s) named above, would like to authorize the following individual to assist me in my/our application for home loan, which includes but not limited to, getting the additional supporting & relevant documents, assignment of policies for the purpose of mortgage coverage, etc. in the course of this business transaction of ours as deemed necessary.

My sincere hope that this shall be of good and sufficient authority for your next course of action.

I/We, the applicant(s) named above, hereby agree to keep your company and its staff indemnified against all claims, suits, demands, actions, proceedings whatsoever arising as a result there from.

Yours faithfully,

______________________ ________________________

Applicant’s signature Joint-Applicant’s signature
Venue & Date Venue & Date
(if applicable)

Clarification on your CTOS findings (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern
The Credit Control Department
Correspondence Address of the end-financier

Date of this letter:

Reference: Clarification on your CTOS findings

As a responsible citizen and loan applicant, I / We felt compelled to write in with additional information pertaining to my CTOS Report for your understanding in consideration of my home loan application made with your company.

As with many other consumers with various predicaments, 1,001 things may & did actually go wrong when least expected in a simple process of getting a housing loan upon buying a dream house due to my / our ignorance on the subject as far back as 5 to 10-years ago.

I / We have been informed that my / our application for home loan has been rejected / declined; one of the reason being your CTOS finding and I / we would like to clarify and assure you herein that both my spouse & my self have our own properties and have been good paymaster all these while without letup.

As prudence and care have been duly exercised on my / our part, I /we surely do not expect that we can turned up to be one of those unfortunate collaterals of the banks’ M & A, merger & acquisitions and I / we believe I /we are not the only one to be in such a situation, one that is least expected to have derailed our loan application made.

As consumers, these are rather ‘technical & complex’, beyond the grasp of many.

I was / we were informed that the bank has taken the legal course against us for our non-payment very much later due to reasons best known to that particular bank itself and it was promptly paid off immediately. Even the release letter is attached herein for your reference.

The incident does not imply me / us as having the tendency to default on repayment nor does it implies poor repayment conduct. It was one of those unfortunate collaterals of the banks’ M & A, merger & acquisitions and I / we believe I /we are not the only one to be in such a situation.

Again, as a responsible citizen and loan applicant, I /we have since then ‘regularized’ our payments and no more outstanding from this point onwards. An auto-debit has been in place too to assure you of our sincerity. In fact, it is through this experience that we learned a new jargon, i.e. payments ‘regularized’

Your years of rich understanding in dealing with similar situations, together with your generous consideration and highest degree of attention to my / our appeal herein may be of much help herein and is much appreciated indeed. I / We hereby look forward to receiving your prompt, positive feedback at your very earliest.

Yours truthfully,


[ the undersigned ]

Further Clarification on my/our Contractual & Non-Contractual Bonuses Eligibility in Consideration to my/our Home Loan Application (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern
The Credit Control Department
Correspondence Address of the end-financier

Date of this letter:

Reference: Further Clarification on my/our Contractual & Non-Contractual Bonuses Eligibility in Consideration to my/our Home Loan Application

In pursuance to my home loan application and also my/our documents submitted, I/we hereby providing further proof of my/our entitlement of these Contractual & Non-Contractual Bonuses for your kind consideration.

The evidence of my/our Contractual Bonuses is to be derived from the following documents, [ ] whereas the evidence of my/our Non-Contractual Bonuses is to be derived from the following documents, [ ]

My/our sincere hope that these shall be of good and sufficient for your consideration and also your next course of action.

I / We hereby look forward to receiving your positive consideration to our home loan application.

Yours truthfully,


Loan Applicant:

Clarification on my CCRIS Report (Sample Letter)

Loan applicant(s)

To Whom It May Concern
The End-Financier
Cc: The Bank Involved
Cc: Bank Negara Malaysia, Customer Service

Date of this letter:

Reference: Clarification on my CCRIS Report

As a responsible citizen and concerned loan applicant, I / we felt compelled to write in with regards to what I / we see as doubtful reporting to CCRIS pertaining to my / our loan repayment conduct which I / we felt most disturbed of, esp. when it derails my / our joint home loan application made with my spouse, son, daughter, brother, sister, etc. in getting my / our first / second home financing.

I / we have spare no chance to get things right. That took me / us to BNM Customer Service yesterday afternoon in order to obtain my /our CCRIS Report to assist in which I / we have also attached a copy herein for your verification and reference.

The personal loan of xxx with xxx in balance outstanding and xxx in monthly installment has been promptly repaid to your bank every month through deduction via my pay slip and I have even taken the trouble to contact ‘so and so’ to verify the payments made.

Apparently, my / our repayment went very promptly each month and what appears in my CCRIS Report is thus baffling. I / we could prove you with my / our 3-months’ pay slips for the period in consideration between months of xxx, ’07, xxx ’07 & xxx ’07 to verify against what we got here in my / our CCRIS Report.

Hence, there is no way that default payments are possible as shown in CCRIS.

Could this be some technical errors or doubtful reporting by the bank? As consumers, these are rather ‘technical & complex’, beyond the grasp of many especially in the face of having the knowledge and conscience of maintaining good financial conducts yet being reported unfavorably otherwise.

It is plainly and clearly a case of which good repayments conduct are maintained but appeared otherwise inconsistently in my / our CCRIS Report for reasons beyond my / our knowledge or understanding and I / we must insist & emphasize that this record is doubtful and I / we will continue to pursue on this till it is completely cleared.

Again, as a responsible citizen and loan applicant, I am / we are more than glad to meet up with you in person for your further advice on the next course of proper action.

Your years of rich understanding in dealing with similar situations, together with your generous consideration and highest degree of attention to my / our written explanation herein may be of much help herein and is much appreciated indeed. I / we hereby look forward to receiving your positive consideration to my / our home loan application.

Yours truthfully,


Loan applicant(s)

Clarification my CCRIS Report (Sample Letter)

Loan applicant(s)

To Whom It May Concern
The Credit Control Department
The End-Financier

Date of this letter:

Reference: Clarification my CCRIS Report

As a responsible citizen and loan applicant, I felt compelled to write in with additional information pertaining to my CCRIS Report for your understanding in consideration of my very recent home loan application made with your company.

The 5-months default as shown on the Credit Report

As prudence and care have been duly exercised on my / our part, I /we surely do not expect that the very property that we bought to go into abandonment. Various reasons or excuses have been given me / us on the cause of the abandonment by various parties.

As consumers, these are rather ‘technical & complex’, beyond the grasp of many.

Very much later, I was / we were informed that the bank has taken the legal course against us for our non-payment due to several valid reasons as follows:

1. I was / We were not being informed at all of the progress or the next course of action. I was / We were being kept in total darkness as far as that property and the loan taken on it are concerned.

2. I / We have left the country soon thereafter for a period of time

This incident does not imply me / us as having the tendency to default on repayment nor does it implies poor repayment conduct. It was one of those unfortunate collaterals of irresponsible property developers as well as the bank officers that failed to inform and advise me / us on the status and also the next course of action expected of me / us as the consumer.

Again, as a responsible citizen and loan applicant, I /we have since then ‘regularized’ our payments and no more outstanding from this point onwards. An auto-debit has been in place too to assure you of my / our resolve and sincerity. In fact, it is through this experience that we learned a new jargon, i.e. payments ‘regularized’

I / we have even enclosed our copy of the CCRIS Report herein for your reference.

Your years of rich understanding in dealing with similar situations, together with your generous consideration and highest degree of attention to my / our explanation herein may be of much help herein and is much appreciated indeed. I / We hereby look forward to receiving your positive consideration to our home loan application.

Yours truthfully,


[ the undersigned ]

Clarification on my CCRIS Report & your CTOS finding (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern
The Credit Control Department
Correspondence Address of the end-financier

Date of this letter:

Reference: Clarification on my CCRIS Report & your CTOS finding

As a responsible citizen and loan applicant, I / We felt compelled to write in with additional information pertaining to my CCRIS Report & your CTOS findings for your understanding in consideration of my home loan application made with your company.

As with many other consumers with various predicaments, 1,001 things may & did actually go wrong when least expected in a simple process of making regular repayment on the loan taken on it.

I / we would like to clarify and assure you herein that both my spouse & my self have been good paymaster all these while without letup.

As prudence and care have been duly exercised on my / our part, I /we surely do not expect that the very property that we bought to go into abandonment. Various reasons or excuses have been given me / us on the cause of the abandonment by various parties.

As consumers, these are rather ‘technical & complex’, beyond the grasp of many.

Very much later, I was / we were informed that the bank has taken the legal course against us for our non-payment due to several valid reasons as follows:

1. I was / We were not being informed at all of the progress or the next course of action. I was / We were being kept in total darkness as far as that property and the loan taken on it are concerned.

2. I / We have left the country soon thereafter for a period of time

This incident does not imply me / us as having the tendency to default on repayment nor does it implies poor repayment conduct. It was one of those unfortunate collaterals of irresponsible property developers as well as the bank officers that failed to inform and advise me / us on the status and also the next course of action expected of me / us as the consumer.

Again, as a responsible citizen and loan applicant, I /we have since then ‘regularized’ our payments and no more outstanding from this point onwards. An auto-debit has been in place too to assure you of our sincerity. In fact, it is through this experience that we learned a new jargon, i.e. payments ‘regularized’

I / we have even enclosed our copy of the CCRIS Report, the banks’ release letters and also proof of the auto-debits instituted herein for your reference.

Your years of rich understanding in dealing with similar situations, together with your generous consideration and highest degree of attention to my / our explanation herein may be of much help herein and is much appreciated indeed. I / We hereby look forward to receiving your positive consideration to our home loan application.

Yours truthfully,


[ the undersigned ]

Cash Out to Offset the Premiums on MRTA & Credit-Card Balance(s) (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern:
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

Reference: Cash Out to Offset the Premiums on MRTA & Credit-Card Balance(s)

Kindly be informed that we [ Name & NRIC ] hereby giving consent to your company or whoever in authority to deduct the premiums for the MRTA and also to make direct payments to the credit card issuer bank from the Cash-Out amount that I/we have applied for during my/our application for re-financing exercise.

I sincerely appreciate that this request could be fulfilled and coordinated very promptly.

Your generous assistance and highest degree of attention to our request is much appreciated indeed and we hereby look forward to receiving your earliest feedback.

Yours truthfully,


Cancellation of Mortgage-Life for my housing loan (Sample Letter)

The Applicant

To Whom It May Concern:
The Life Insurance Underwriting Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

Reference: Cancellation of Mortgage-Life for my housing loan

Kindly be informed that we [ Name & NRIC ] would like to request to have the proposed Mortgage-Life by your company be cancelled with immediate effect as the Life Insurance was purchased with the intention to cover my mortgage liability of approximately xxx’k on a property that we intend to purchase.

Option 1: However, as our home loan application was declined / rejected, we would like to withdraw our application for the said policies with immediate effect & hereby look forward to your immediate refund promptly and sincerely apologize for any inconveniences resulted therein.

Option 2: However, the SPA transaction has been temporarily put on hold and therefore, I would like to defer my application for the said policy until such a time too.

I hereby look forward to your immediate refund promptly and sincerely apologize for any inconveniences resulted therein.

Yours truthfully,


Cancellation of MRTA / MLTA for my housing loan (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern:
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

Reference: Cancellation of MRTA / MLTA for my housing loan

Kindly be informed that we [ Name & NRIC ] would like to request to have the proposed MRTA / MLTA by your company be cancelled with immediate effect as I do have a life insurance policy with sufficient coverage that I am in the process of assigning it absolutely to your company as the collateral for my home mortgage.

This cancellation INCLUDES the built-in premium for the said MRTA / MLTA that has been bundled into my monthly loan repayment to your bank.

You may contact my financial adviser [ Name & Contacts ] with regards to the assignment of my life insurance policy to your bank.

I am fully aware as I do also fully understand the implications and consequences of my action and decision today and do not wish to be further advised on this matter.

Your generous consideration and most friendly attention to our notice is much appreciated indeed and I would look forward to receiving your earliest feedback.

Yours truthfully,


Intent to Cancel our Home Loan Application (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern:
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

Reference: Intent to Cancel our Home Loan Application

Kindly be informed that we [ Name & NRIC ] intent to cancel our home loan application with your company with immediate effect due to reasons that wished to keep to ourselves.

We regret for the inconveniences caused.

Your generous consideration and most friendly attention to our notice herein are much appreciated indeed and we look forward to receiving your earliest feedback.

Yours truthfully,


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Consent letter to release S & P for my application to KWSP (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern:
The Sale & Purchase Agreement Solicitor
The Advocates & Solicitors
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

Reference: Consent letter to release S & P for my application to KWSP

I/ We [ Name & NRIC ] hereby authorizes you [ the Mortgagor Bank ] to reveal and provide all information and particulars regarding my personal information and all other relevant information and/or documents to your business partners for the purpose of reviewing my/our loan request.

I/ We also hope this will be good enough and of sufficient authority for your action & hereby agree to keep your bank and its staff indemnified against all claims, suits, demands, actions, proceedings whatsoever arising as a result there from.

Yours truthfully,

1st applicant Name:
1st applicant Contact:

2nd applicant Name ( if any & if applies ):
2nd applicant Contact ( if any & if applies ):

Consent letter to release details on my home loan account (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern:
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

Reference: Consent letter to release details on my home loan account

I/ We [ Name & NRIC ] hereby authorizes you [ the Mortgagor Bank ] to reveal and provide all information and particulars regarding my personal information and all other relevant information and/or documents to your business partners for the purpose of reviewing my/our loan request.

I/ We also hope this will be good enough and of sufficient authority for your action & hereby agree to keep your bank and its staff indemnified against all claims, suits, demands, actions, proceedings whatsoever arising as a result there from.

Yours truthfully,

1st applicant Name:
1st applicant Contact:

2nd applicant Name ( if any & if applies ):
2nd applicant Contact ( if any & if applies ):

Appeal for revision to my current home loan interest rate (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern:
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

Reference: Appeal for revision to my current home loan interest rate

Kindly be informed that we [ Name & NRIC ] have taken up the Offer Letter [ dated mm/dd/yy ] when you revised you current interest rates downwards to [ whatever ] FIXED.

As the legal documentation has not begun, I am yet to enjoy the benefits of the financing.

Henceforth, I strongly felt that I am entitled to the benefits or the extension of the benefits from your newly revised rates with immediate effect.

Your generous consideration and highest degree of attention to my appeal herein is much appreciated indeed and I would hereby look forward to receiving your earliest feedback.

Yours truthfully,


Appeal for revision to my home loan application (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern:
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

Reference: Appeal for revision to my home loan application

Kindly be informed that we [ Name & NRIC ] have made an application for housing loan to your company and was declined due to my inconsistent car loan installments that I strongly felt that this is unjust and would like to appeal for a revision

I would like to stress that the pattern of inconsistencies were due to reasons as follows:

My hectic traveling & tight project schedule that necessitates me to travel out of the country in very short notice for a stretch of weeks.
Simply overlooked with no malicious intention of withholding the payments.

As an assurance to your company, I have now instituted an auto-debits for all my payments, the car loan installments inclusive of course and I would like to personally assure you herein that this past pattern of inconsistencies will not be repeated for any one of my loans.

Your generous consideration and highest degree of attention to my appeal herein is much appreciated indeed and I would hereby look forward to receiving your earliest feedback.

Yours truthfully,


Appeal for release of Revised Copy of Home Loan Offer Letter (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern:
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
The end-financier
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

Reference: Appeal for release of Revised Copy of Home Loan Offer Letter

Kindly be informed that the initial Offer Letter issued was for a Sale & Purchase that was unfortunately aborted shortly thereafter. The loan applicants have since decided for yet another piece of property and thus, requested for revisions to the Home Loan Offer Letter.

I have called to both the loan applicants and they agreed to locate that initial copy of the Home Loan Offer Letter to be returned to us.

However, that initial Offer Letter has since been delivered to the loan applicants and due to various constraints in circumstances, I am certainly not able to return that initial copy of Home Loan Offer Letter to your underwriting department in time for a one-to-one swap.

Hence, your understanding towards the timely release of the said revised Home Loan Offer Letter is very much appreciated indeed.

Yours truthfully,


Appeal for leniency in your underwriting of my home loan application (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern:
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

Reference: Appeal for leniency in your underwriting of my home loan application

I have just bought my 1st property with (developer’s / vendor’s) dated (mm/dd/yy] and am very much interested in your offer of the FIXED rate home loan package.

However, due to my one & only commitment on my car installment of RM $$$.00 per month, I was advised that this has contributed to an increase in my Debt-Service-Ratio, DSR and as the result, the likelihood of getting my home loan application approved is somewhat reduced when comes to the margin of financing.

Hence, I am writing in to sincerely appeal as I am expecting an increment in my monthly salary due to my seniority, my excellent track record & competence in what I have been consistently doing for the past x-years with my existing company and my personal character that is thrift and careful & prompt when comes to repayment.

Your generous consideration and highest degree of attention to my appeal herein is much appreciated indeed and I would hereby look forward to receiving your earliest feedback.

Yours truthfully,


Request for higher margin of finance to 90% (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern:
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

Reference: Request for higher margin of finance to 90%

Kindly be informed that we [ Name & NRIC ] have made an application for housing loan to your company very recently on [ this date ] and after much consideration [ as well as a change in circumstances ], we would like to request for a higher margin of finance from the offered 80% to 90% [ or to at least 85% ].

We would also like to put forth the following for your consideration:
1. Our excellent credit track record with no defaults in payments & excellent future business earning to sustain our intended commitments.
2. The relatively high OMV as given by the valuer as of [ date ].
3. Our relatively high EPF savings that we intend to channel back as prepayments.
4. We have no other commitments.
5. We are in the process of selling off one (1) of our property [ property details ]

Your generous assistance and highest degree of attention to our appeal is much appreciated indeed and we hereby look forward to receiving your earliest feedback.

Yours truthfully,


Request for extension on home loan tenure to age 65 (Sample Letter)

Loan Applicant:

To Whom It May Concern:
The Mortgage Loan Department or Credit Department
Mortgagor Bank
[Postal Address]

Date of this letter:

Reference: Request for extension on home loan tenure to age 65

Kindly be informed that we [ Name & NRIC ] have made an application for housing loan to your company on [ this date ] and after much consideration [ as well as a change in circumstances ], we would like to request for a higher margin of finance from the offered 80% to 90% [ or to at least 85% ].

We would also like to put forth the following for your consideration:
1. Our excellent credit track record with no defaults in payments & excellent future business earning to sustain our intended commitments.
2. The relatively high OMV as given by the valuer as of [ date ].
3. Our relatively high EPF savings that we intend to channel back as prepayments.
4. We have no other commitments.
5. We are in the process of selling off one (1) of our property [ property details ]

Your generous assistance and highest degree of attention to our appeal is much appreciated indeed and we hereby look forward to receiving your earliest feedback.

Yours truthfully,


About Making a Banking Complaint


People may become unsatisfied with banking institutions for a wide variety of reasons. Most of the time, it is a very simple matter-perhaps a basic communication breakdown, or a clash of personalities, which can easily be sorted out, while other cases may end up in court.

This is a consumer guide on complaint procedures against banking institutions. It also explains to consumers how they can refer their complaints to the Banking Mediation Bureau (BMB) if they are unhappy with any decision of their banking institutions.

More details are available at

Prevention is better than cure

Banking institutions have a duty to ensure that information given to their customers is correct and to act fairly in all dealings with their customers.

However, circumstances may arise where you may be unhappy with your banking institution and feel that you have been unfairly treated.

Frequently, such complaints are due to lack of information and understanding of the product or service provided. It is important for you to read the small print, understand the nature of any risks involved and check carefully the information on benefits and charges involved before committing to the product or service.

Lodge your complaint with the banking institution first

If you have a complaint about the products or services offered by your banking institution, you should first try to resolve the complaint with your banking institution. It makes sense to go back to the banking institution first, since the institution can easily check its records to see what has happened and to set things right.
How to make a complaint against a banking institution

You can make a complaint by directly contacting the banking institution's customer complaints representative either through a phone call or a letter. If you complain by phone, remember to take notes and keep details of the name of the person you spoke to, the date and time you called, as a record of your complaint. Normally, you will need to follow-up your phone calls with an official letter of complaint.

A written complaint is also preferable, especially if the matter is complicated.

You can either use a standard complaint form provided by the banking institution or write a letter of complaint addressed to your banking institution. Whichever form you choose, you should remember to keep things clear, simple and include all essential information.

Where to send your complaint

You should send all your complaints to the Complaints Unit of these institutions, which have been specially set up to deal with customers' complaints. You can get the information on the Complaints Unit directly from your banking institution. Details of the Complaints Unit for commercial banks and finance companies can also be obtained from the Bank Negara Malaysia website at

Response time

Your banking institution should respond to your complaint within two weeks of receiving it. However, more time may be needed for complex cases but your banking institution should inform you how much longer they will need to resolve your complaint.

After reviewing your complaint, the banking institution will give you a letter stating its decision with regard to your complaint. If your complaint cannot be resolved, a "deadlock letter" will be issued to you. This is a simple letter explaining the decision of the banking institution and the reason for its decision.
Banking mediation bureau

Banking Mediation Bureau (BMB) was set up to provide dispute resolution services between a consumer and commercial banks, finance companies or merchant banks. The BMB is funded by the above institutions and its services are provided free of charge to customers of these institutions. Currently, BMB handles disputes involving monetary losses of up to RM25,000 in relation to the following areas:

· The charging of excessive fees, interest and penalty
· Misleading advertisements
· Unauthorized Automatic Teller Machine withdrawals
· Unauthorized use of credit cards
· Unfair practice of pursuing actions against a person who is a guarantor

If your banking institution cannot resolve a complaint to your satisfaction in any of these areas, you may contact the BMB to look into your case. You have six months to forward your complaint to the BMB from the date of the "deadlock letter".

How to refer your case to the BMB

You can write a simple letter to the BMB stating briefly the nature of your dispute together with a copy of the "deadlock letter" from your banking institution. You will need to fill in a standard form prepared by the BMB to give your permission to your banking institution, to disclose to the BMB, any information on your account as required by section 99 of the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989. You do not have to use a lawyer to put your case to the BMB.


The BMB, with your written permission, may obtain further information from your banking institution regarding your complaint and study the case, to see how best it can be resolved. The BMB will investigate your case based on the facts presented objectively. The BMB may conduct an interview with you or together with the banking institution, through a mediation process to resolve the dispute. BMB will then make a decision based on its own assessment, taking into account the law and banking practices. The decision of the BMB is binding on the banking institution but not on you.

You can choose either to accept or reject the decision of BMB. If you do not accept, the decision is deemed cancelled and you are free to take any other steps with respect to the dispute, including legal proceedings. However, if you do accept the BMB's decision, you may lose your right to proceed with legal action against the banking institution.

Tips to making a complaint

To allow your complaint to be handled in a speedy and efficient manner, outlined below are some of the points for you to remember when writing a complaint.

You should:

· Write clearly in black or blue ink
· State your case clearly and give all the relevant facts in a sensible order
· Avoid unnecessary details and repetition
· Include any reference numbers, for example account number, customer reference number or card number
· Attach any documents relating to the complaint. Send only copies and retain the originals
· Keep a record of your letter
· Give your contact numbers where you can be reached

The role of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) in dealing with your complaints

As a regulator of the Malaysian banking industry, BNM's role is to ensure that banking institutions conduct their businesses in an appropriate manner and within standard banking practices. If your complaint does not fall under the scope of the BMB, and you are not happy with the decision and explanations given by your banking institution with regard to your complaint, you may wish to seek the assistance of BNM. You can use BNM's standard complaint form that is available at all banking institutions. Remember to submit your complaint with a copy of the "deadlock letter" from your banking institution.