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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Economic Influences - Question 42

My son is a sophomore in college. Recently he asked me which career would provide the best job security. What should I tell him?

Tell him that job security is an oxymoron. It is an anachronism not only in America, but also in almost all modem societies. Even U.S. Military and U.S. Naval Academy career officers who were combat veterans in the Persian Gulf are being separated from the service prior to retirement.

The concept of working for one company for 30-40 years and then retiring is outdated. Companies that were known for never laying off employees (like IBM) are using all sorts of euphemisms to verbally soften the impact of firing employees for economic reasons. “Downsizing,” “out placing,” “de-jobbing,” and “discharging” are some of the terms used.

The dwindling size of Fortune 500 Corporation work forces has motivated many displaced employees to operate small businesses out of their homes. These small businesses are frequently linked electronically (by fax, e-mail, and Internet) which enables these entrepreneurs to benefit from flexible working time and more creative environments. They have been the fuel that's fed our economy's most recent recovery.

What can your son do to prepare himself so that he has job security when he graduates? He must realize that he really is in business for himself, and needs to market himself on a temporary basis to his employer, knowing that his position is temporary. Realizing this temporary state of employment, he must be constantly improving his marketable skills and must always be ready to adapt to changes in the workplace.

Tell your son that he needs to develop public speaking skills become computer proficient and (especially if he wishes into business in an internationally diverse region like California, Arizona, Texas or Florida) be able to speak and understand Spanish. He can learn public speaking at schools or at Toastmasters clubs. Why Spanish? Within 4-5 years, approximately 20% of the U.S. population will speak Spanish as a primary language. Spanish speakers represent one of the fastest growing segments of our population.

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