If someone offered you $10 million in cash if you would consistently show a positive attitude for the next 30 days, would you give it a try? If they defined such an attitude as “acting positive, pleasant, friendly, enthusiastic, and encouraging,” could you do that for 30 days? I think you could. You would have a good attitude for a month, because you would be highly motivated to win the prize money.
Now, nobody is going to offer you such a cash prize for a good attitude, but the real-life payoffs for a positive attitude are outstanding!
They include:
• Happiness.
The better your attitude the happier you will be! Happiness is not a commodity that is found by pursuit. Instead, it is a state of mind produced by a positive attitude.
• Health. A good attitude is a better pain reliever than Anacin, Tylenol, Mediprin, and Bayer, all put together! A positive mental attitude strengthens the body’s immune system and releases a natural drug (more powerful than morphine) into the mind.
• Self-confidence. A good attitude causes people to feel good about themselves and project that feeling to others.
• Better relationships. People who feel good about themselves are not on the defensive with other people. They are open and honest and have rich, rewarding relationships.
• Improved performance. Experts say that attitude accounts for 85% of all job success. People perform better in every area of their lives with a good attitude than they do with a bad one!
• Encouragement for other people. Since attitude is highly contagious, your good attitude will automatically make you a real benefit to everyone you meet.
• Increased income and other material rewards. Because your good attitude will make you very valuable to other people (your boss, for instance), they, in time, will reward you with money and possessions. With so much to gain and so little to lose, you might show a good attitude for 30 days. If you don’t like it after trying it for 30 days, then go ahead and be as miserable as you want to be. But at least give a positive mental attitude a sincere try.
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